From--of course--Anonymous:
"Aaaaannnnd we make a change on society to make a better future by winning title belts from various indy wrestling promotions???"
Before I tear this asshole a new...well, asshole, I would like to use him as a reference for an introduction. The Ring of Honor fans in Chicago are already acquainted, but I am using this forum tonight as a formal unveiling.
Age of the Fall, welcome your newest member; the SHIMMER Champion MsChif.
I could tell you her story, but you already know the details. Let me just say, she belongs among us. She is driven. She is passionate. Smart, capable, and under appreciated. And most importantly, the only mold she fits is the one her dreams have cast. Now, out of years of frustration and hard work, she is at the top of her game, but because she isn't a life size Barbie doll, she remains under the radar...and she's had enough. MsChif has found strength in our camp. And likewise, we have become that much stronger for accepting her. Some companies could take a hint. I digress...
Back to Mr. Anonymous. Back to answers...
You know what Mr. Anon, you're right. Yeah, we could be making a difference by joining the Peace Corps. Maybe we could donate blood more often. We could make some picket signs and march for a pro-choice. Or tie ourselves to a Christmas tree in hopes of preserving the legacy of Ol' St. Nick. Or we could go to college. Pre-med. Then we could get our Ph.D's. Become doctors. Save lives. Cure diseases. We could do that, but then we wouldn't be here, doing this....
And then where would you be? Where would Eric be? Where would Mick Foley be had he not been there to see "Superfly" dive off that cage onto Don Muraco in 1983?
Yeah, you're right Mr. Anonymous. We could all be doing something better with our lives. And that's the fucking point.
Mischif joining the cause was random, unnecessary, and distracting at best. How about some sort of something on what in the world Jimmy's done to Lacey? That might actually get you noticed instead of more trash being thrown your way.
Where would Eric be with the Age of the Fall? Well I'd be a hell of a lot more bored. Tyler you and the Age of the Fall don't have to answer to people who are too blind to see the light of truth that you bring. Keep it up.
Awesome! MisChif joining Age of the Fall! I love her work and she's champion, makes it all that much better.
I hope this business of MsChif joining means that Lacey will be back soon to fight her.
^ Agreed.
Wow...I'm kinda shocked that I got some attention. And I say that not sarcastically. I'm being foreal when I say I'm suprised that Tyler Black replied to my post.
Forgive me for coming off like a prick. Its because I see (or have, in my mindset) gaps in what I'm going off of. Which in turn leaves alot of questions. I ask this as someone on the fence of AOTF.
I dont knock the fact that you're representing the downtrodden, the weak, the poor, ect. But if you're representing those kinds of people, what are you doing to help them? Whats gonna happen if/when the change on the world comes? Then what? You point out that we could be doing something better, then why not? Is it because picket signs and finding a cure is fruitless? Is it because the war in Iraq/Afganistan is pointless? If its the latter, then yeah I can agree with you...
Now on to the wrestling aspect. I was there for Tag Wars when you guys beat MCMG (great performance by the way). The background behind it was these two guys Alex and Chis have been on TV and been all over the world and worshiped, where as you and Jimmy had to fight for yours. Well, if the shoe was on the other foot, would there still be complaints of whose career is getting all this exposure and whose isnt? Would there even be a AOTF?
Again when I ask this, I ask this as someone on this fence, not as someone who's not too sure what to think of AOTF.
The Revolution will be alive and well in Toronto. AOTF
The Age Of The Fall is pulling me through my tough times of depression. That last blog hit home with me. Today I got dumped by my girlfriend, and I'm realizing what Jimmy meant when he said that love doesn't save. The time to move is now. Thank you, AOTF. I could be doing more, and that's exactly the fucking point.
Jesus, this crybaby philosopical bullshit is really getting old. AOTF and there Revloution is baseless. You have done nothing in the almost year you guys have been around! You have two tag titles regins and Tyler Black has had a couple good matches. Let's all bow down to this revoloution....AND PUKE! Save it, get in the ring and wrestle.
You have got to be kidding me. Your girlfriend dumped you so you're taking to the lousy AOTF revolution? I assure thats not going to get you anything but an emo haircut and a cause to cut for. Cheer up boys, your make up is running.
You guys preach a message and when people "follow" your message you treat them the same as those who boo you. It doesn't make sense, if you really wanted for people to follow a message, wouldn't you embrace those people?
Jimmy Jacobs, Necro Butcher, Tyler Black, Joey Mathews Mercury Manboy WHATEVER THE HELL YOUR DAMN NAME IS, you all may be big fish in a small pond, but the Rock is a whale in a tear drop! Age of the Fall you babble on about your message, but the truth be told nobody gives a rat's ass what you have to say! "Well my name is Jimmy and I love Lacey" SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE, it's time you either step to the people's champion or shut your damn mouth! IF YOU SMELL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKING!
this is why roh is above and beyond the standard in pro wrestling.
there are some real idiots commenting on this.
AOTF = amazing.
Soooo Tyler...how's the arm bud? I was there when Danielson streched it out. I thought he was gonna actually break it! What was it like? On a scale 1-10 how would you rate the pain? What are you gonna do now that you lost to him for the THIRD time already? What was up with Necro pushing Aries and your leader off the ladder? Is he still in AOTF any more?
Just curious to know your thoughts is all.
Was led to AOTF by MsChif, and I like what I see, a breath of fresh air in a smog-riddled landscape, for whatever it means, you have my full support, best of luck in all endeavors...
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