
You have spoken

“AOTF hits home with me, because while a college degree is becoming more and more necessary to attain a career of worth, it is becoming harder and harder for the average person to afford a college education. The result being that complete fools and ignorant morons truly believe they are better than anyone else simply because they can afford the little piece of paper that says so.

“AOTF hits home with me because we are raising a society of perfectly attractive young people that believe they are hideously ugly, a ridiculous standard of beauty airbrushed into magazines and into their minds. We don't raise on a pedestal great thinkers, or those that do good in the world; instead, we deify the "beautiful" and the "sexy."

“AOTF hits home with me because even as we tell our children that violence doesn't solve problems, our government is hunting for the slightest excuse to bomb and invade countries on the other side of the globe. In the name of "liberation," we exert our force and our presence where ever we feel, spreading our influence as we see fit.

“The short answer is, I see the cracks in the wall. I know the machine is broken. I don't pretend that I know how to fix it. However, I do know that before it can be rebuilt, this flawed monolith must be torn down. So even if the AOTF can change just a few minds, even if the AOTF can open just a few eyes, the cracks in the foundation may be enough to bring it all down.”

Thank you Mark, for the perspective.

The truth about diplomas though, is that instead of them becoming more of a necessity, I believe their worth is becoming increasingly obsolete. Think about how many of our parents have college degrees; then how many of our grandparents. College is the new high school. In ten years, that business degree means the same thing as a GED does yesterday. The only question I have then, is what happens to those four years—maybe five—we’ll spend toiling at a university; racking up corporate debt and wasting precious time? What happens when everyone has something, but knows nothing? And what happens to the kids who just don’t give a fuck?

Beauty is just another reason to feel left out. And the sad part is that it’s becoming nature. Like war. I don’t support the war and I don’t support the troops. If you make a commitment to be a pawn, then there go your dreams, there goes your heart. Deal with dying. The only protection we need is from ourselves. Fuck your war machines and your biochemical bullshit.

The war starts and ends in our minds. And if you can’t take your own steps to change whatever world you see, then where are we going from here? Last Saturday, Age of the Fall was presented with opportunity, and without cowardice we stepped to the stars. I took on a man with 3 times my experience and a million times my fan support, and came within a hair of defeating Austin Aries. Lacey challenged the champion of the female wrestling world, and took her to her fucking limit. And in our grandest moment to date, Jimmy showed “the best in the world” that they have something to be worried about by knocking out the self-, and widely-proclaimed.

If Unscripted III wasn’t a message to the underdogs of the world, I don’t know what could be. We, in our chosen profession, are changing hearts and minds city by city. I say, there is no reason we can’t do the same thing across the globe. But it won’t be just one of us making the change. Nothing is untouchable. Jimmy showed us the way.


Robin William Scott said...
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Robin William Scott said...

I'm back. I don't know if it's for the wrestling, but I believe that you have something real to say and I'll be here to hear it.

Life is full of lies and the pain that leaves me in can be unbearable. I'm at the point where I will hide that pain rather than show it because frankly I'm tired of the look of disbelief on peoples faces.

They want me to stop whining and get on with THEIR life. It makes THEM happy, why can't I just be like THEM.

because I haven't given up hope. Hope that there's more to life than all this. The world my father created for me isn't acceptable. It's just not.

It's full of dead promises, lies about humanity, and empty, hollow dreams. My dreams aren't hollow, they're vibrant, colourful and full of life. yet I wake each day to darkness, muddy colours, drudgery and I can't fathom it.

It's like someone reached into my head and flicked a dimmer switch. This world falls so short of what it promised.

I'm reminded of Corey Haims speech from The Goonies, when they find themselves beneath the old 'Moss Garden Wishing Well'.

Martha Plimpton tells him he can't take the coins he's picking up; 'They're someone else's dreams. Someone else's wishes'.

He looks back indignant, holds a coin up and says 'Yeah, well you know what? This one right here. This was MY WISH, MY DREAM and it didn't come true. So I'm taking it back. I'm taking them all back'

Bastion Blogger said...


I feel somewhat like a celebrity.

TheHereandNow said...

We really need AotF t-shirts. I'd buy 7.

Unknown said...

The new video is great. Message couldn't be clearer. All I have to say is: Point and shoot. Thats why we're here.

Hardkore101 said...

Let The War Begin!! Age of the Fall is putting everyone on notice. Stand up for what you believe in, no matter who thinks you're wrong. Right and Wrong are a matter of perception anyways. Live by your own moral code, fuck laws, fuck cliques, be an indivdual, not another mindless drone.

King Wilson said...

Walmart drove the price down
Thompson ran out of town
Now there's a fucking crater
Where RCA used to be

But yet it's still a felony
To toke to the melody
And deal, 30 years
With nothing to show

And as far as I can see
Nowhere to go

This is the age of the fall

Corporations wrote the law
So much better for us all
Now mama's got the cancer
And nobody has to pay

But at the least dividends
Won't ever end
They say we're getting rich
Who the hells getting paid?

And each and every day
Just a little more betrayed

This is the age of the fall

So what do you do?
When not a damn things true
And you already tried
Talking peacefully

Take it to the street
Black cap, black feet
Tear it all down
Start all over again

And maybe there will be
Peace from all these sins

This is the age of the fall